As a barista, you are at the forefront of the booming cafe industry. You face a lot of pressure and high demands to create quality beverages in a fast-paced environment. As you work in a busy and small environment, you may suffer workplace injuries. You may not...
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Minneapolis Workers’ Compensation Blog
Who bears responsibility for your work-related injury?
Like most of your neighbors in Minnesota, you pride yourself on your work ethic. After all, you bring dedication and skill with you to the job site every day. Of course, if you sustain an injury at work, you may not be able to provide for yourself and your family....
Minnesota workers’ compensation claims dropping
Sustaining an injury on the job happens, and when it does, filing a workers' compensation claim may seem downright scary. While it may seem as if people are suffering workplace injuries more and more, the opposite is actually true. The rate of claims filed in...
Have you developed asthma because of the work you do?
The kind of work you do, and perhaps have done all your life, may have a bearing on your current state of health.You may face exposure to poor air quality time and time again. Have you developed asthma symptoms as a result? Work environmentsYou may be an office worker...
What to talk to your doctor about after a car accident
While a majority of car accidents result in minor injuries, there are plenty that result in fatalities. Minnesota experienced a drop in car-accident-related fatalities when 392 people lost their lives in 2016, in contrast with 411 in 2015, according to the Office of...
3 common reasons manufacturing employees get hurt
If you work in manufacturing, you know how strenuous and dangerous your work can be. Your job requires you to work with hazardous materials, heavy equipment and loud noises all the time. Staying safe in a factory or warehouse job may prove to be difficult,...
Top 3 retail workplace hazards for young workers
If you work in retail, you know it can be a stressful and demanding job. However, you may not be aware that there are unique hazards in the retail industry that put you at risk of injuries. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that...
Top 3 causes of restaurant fires
The food services industry has a unique risk for fires. Fire hazards can cause serious burns, sometimes lead to death. If you work in a restaurant, it is imperative you know about the most common causes of restaurant fires. Identifying fire hazards and...
Workplace heat exposure can lead to heat stress, illness
If you work outside, in a kitchen or in any number of other environments where high temperatures are often the norm, you run the risk of developing heat-related stresses and illnesses. Depending on your profession and whether you work indoors or outdoors, the threat...
Can a workplace accident cause post-traumatic stress disorder?
Post-traumatic stress disorder may often come to mind when you think of soldiers coming back from battle, but what you may not realize is that PTSD can be a severe reaction to any type of stressful or traumatic situation. Everything from child abuse to the death of a...